Green Lentil and Bacon Soup

4 January 2014

This weather sucks.

However, it does mean that I'm spending a lot more time in the kitchen trying out recipes from the cookbooks I received over Christmas and, my favourite so far has got to be 'Big Table, Busy Kitchen: 200 Recipes for Life' by Allegra McEvedy. 

Allegra co-founded Leon which, is one of my favourite places to grab a quick and healthy lunch when I'm in London. I haven't put this book down since I unwrapped it on Christmas Day - there are so many yummy recipes in there that I'm going to have to try out and, share with my readers along the way.

The first one is a healthy one. When I'm trying to be 'good' I tend to turn to soups. Salads are great but nothing beats a nice homemade soup, especially when the weather is this rubbish.

You will need
4 rashers of bacon, chopped into small pieces (or a 100g of lardons)
1 onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, chopped
2 tbsp chopped Rosemary
250g green lentils
1.2 litres of chicken stock
2 big handfuls of spinach
Salt & Pepper
Glug of olive oil
Tablespoon of natural yoghurt

I've added a couple of extra ingredients. You don't need to but, I had some things in my fridge that I needed to use up. 

2 mushrooms
1 small red chilli
Green Lentil and Bacon Soup by What Laura did Next
Using a heavy-bottomed saucepan, heat up your olive oil and fry your bacon bits until they're beginning to crisp. Chuck in the onion, garlic, mushrooms and rosemary and fry for a few minutes.
Green Lentil and Bacon Soup by What Laura did Next
Add the lentils and chilli then, give it all a big stir. 
Green Lentil and Bacon Soup by What Laura did Next
Pour the stock in, and bring to a simmer, cover and let it it bubble away for around 45 minutes. 

Blitz a third of it in a blender or with a stick blender. Then put it back in the saucepan. Roughly chop up the spinach and chuck it in. Season with plenty of salt and pepper.
Green Lentil and Bacon Soup by What Laura did Next
Green Lentil and Bacon Soup by What Laura did Next
 Serve with a tablespoon of yoghurt and enjoy!
Green Lentil and Bacon Soup by What Laura did Next
It should stop you thinking about the weather outside for a while. If not, eat some more and save some for your lunch - perfect for taking into work.

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