
23 March 2015

Engaged by What Laura did Next
I've been meaning to do this post for a while...

As most of you who read my blog regularly will know, I got engaged over Christmas.


Three months on, I'm still in shock that he proposed. 

I mean, I dropped enough hints, but still.

He asked me on Boxing Day and, I have to say it was very romantic. Although I was in THE grumpiest mood because I was hungry and freezing cold (we were on Hove beach and I'd been lured down there with the promise of breakfast). What was said is too private to put on the internet but let's just say the proposal involved crying, me calling him a d***head a few times, knees and jewellery.
Engaged by What Laura did Next
Being the organised girl that I am, we have already set a date, booked the venue, chosen our photographer, asked our loved ones to play their special part in our day and, I've purchased my wedding shoes -literally two days after the proposal (Net-a-Porter had their sale on and, the shoes were a bargain so it would've been rude not to). 

So, there's only a few more things to do really...right?

No chance!

I've decided to have a little area on WLDN purely for Wedding related stuff. You can read to your hearts content on how the preparation is going plus, I'll be posting about various wedding bits and pieces. 

I'm looking forward to sharing my new adventure with you all!

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