From Where I Stand

5 May 2016

Boden Polka Dot Jeans by Laura Lewis
The weather has been so bad recently, and add in a pretty hectic schedule I haven't found much time to bribe a friend / family member / my boyfriend to take some photos of me prancing around the streets of Brighton.

But sometimes it's nice to do things without too much of a fuss, and this for me is exactly what the photos above are - taken on my iPhone, whenever I found myself standing on a 'photogenic' piece of flooring ready to upload to Instagram. The idea to do a FWIS outfit post (from where I stand for all the non instagrammers) came to me as I was scrolling through my photos and realised how much wear I've been getting out of these polka dot jeans by Boden.

...and how many nice floors I've been standing on recently - clearly press day season is upon us!

The majority of my outfit inspiration comes from social media and fashion blogs. One of my favourite blogs is What I Wore Today - launched ten whole years ago, WIWT started out as a simple daily outfit blog where people uploaded a photo of themselves in an outfit they loved. Fast forward SIX WHOLE YEARS and it's global, featuring a whole load of bloggers sharing their outfits. I find it to be inspiring with so much creativity.

I can't wait to get back in front of the lens, but for now - it's FWIS.

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