My Skincare Routine

12 October 2015

Skincare routine by What Laura did Next
Rewind about 5 years, and I had really bad adult-acne around my mouth and chin. It was horrid, painful and uncomfortable making me very self-conscious. 

Then, a couple of years later, I had a bad reaction to something that made the skin round my eyes and cheeks breakout(we still don't know what it was). I had two solid months of sore, red, irritable dry skin which made me so self-conscious, I wouldn't leave the house. After several trips to the doctors, various creams and antibiotics it cleared and, so did my adult-acne. I found my skin to be the best it's been in years. Don't get me wrong, I still get the odd spot but that's down to stress and hormones, or me being lazy and not taking my makeup off. 

Since then, I've been very careful what I put on my face. Up until recently, I only used Bioderma to cleanse, and E45 to moisturise. But, that's changed and I've removed the E25 and added a few new products to my routine - my skin feels so much more glowy and all that jazz.

Morning routine
Quick and simple as I tend to be in a rush to get to work - I give my face a quick wipe with my Bioderma Sensibo H2O and then wash my face with Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser before moisturising with my Cetaphil Moisturising Lotion. Done.

For the evening
I change it up a little. After I've taken my mascara off with Nivea Double Effect Eye Makeup Remover, and taken the day off with my trusty Bioderma, I use Eve Lom Cleanser (I'm still not used to the smell) and then moisturise with my Cetaphil Moisturiser.

The extra bits and bobs
Sometimes, I use a couple of other skincare products. When I've spent a few days up in London, I slap on the Clear Improvement Active Charcol Mask by Origins to freshen my face and get rid of all the city dirt and grime.

Once a week, I'll use my Ultrafine Scrub by La Roche Posay this product is the best face scrub for sensitive skin. There's also no need to hop on a Eurostar to Paris either, as this and lots of other products from the brand are now available in Boots. Bonus!

If I have a spot, I'll also apply my magic cream - a.k.a Effaclar A.I by La Roche Posay. I've mentioned this before but, I can't preach enough about this product! Unfortunately, you can't get this over here - I've had no joy finding it over here, except when I head over to Paris, where I stock up on it!

And, that's it! I'm currently trialing one of the Sunday Riley serums after receiving a sample which, is massively living up to the hype that they've created. I may have to cave and hand over the cash for the one I'm sampling when it runs out, meaning I may have a new addition to my routine soon.

Watch this space...

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